Valleys End Nature Preserve
In late September of 2021, Shasta Land Trust protected Valleys End Nature Preserve, encompassing 184 acres of blue oak woodland, grasslands, and chapparal. This haven for wildlife will be protected forever because of the generous donation of a conservation easement by Marlys Carusone and Larry and Yvonne Boisclaire.
With two small lakes, Mirror Lake and Lake James, and expertly maintained oak woodland, wildlife species abound here. Preserving this property protects important wildlife habitat within the Cow Creek watershed, which has been a focus area of Shasta Land Trust for many years. The property possesses notable biodiversity, with many species making their home there, including several special status species, such as the western pond turtle, monarch butterfly, and the valley elderberry longhorn beetle.
Larry and Yvonne Boisclaire, who live on the preserve, take special care managing it for its habitat and natural resource values, and have dedicated their adult lives to making the property the best it can be. Yvonne Boisclaire says, “Just look at all those protected animals out there, drawn here by the two lakes and a safe buffer zone. Bear, mama and baby; bobcat; lion; skunks; raccoons; squirrels; 38 geese today; and between 10 and 20 deer. Rattlers too. The best part is that it will remain this way after Larry and I are gone. My parents, Jim and Renee Miller, foresaw this and they would be pleased.”
Thank you Larry, Yvonne, and Marlys for making this generous donation, ensuring this special piece of Shasta County is protected forever.